Hi!! I’m Kristyn! I’m a wife to a super smart, amazing man and a mom to two wonderful blessings – a daughter and a son with hopes of continuing to grow our family!

I love sharing everything I know with anyone that will listen so starting a blog just made sense for me. Over time, I started to gain a clearer picture of what I wanted to write about and share with you. I have a range of interests ranging from mom life, homeschooling, vegan recipes to share, places I’ve traveled, gardening adventures, and everything in between. Whether you make one of my recipes for dinner or you take some of my mom life hacks and apply them to your everyday life, I want to share all of these things with you to help make your life easier. That’s not all I want to write about though, so I hope you’ll explore the site a bit and see if you can find something that interests you.

Here’s a few things I thought I’d share so you can get to know me better:

  1. Let’s get the hardest and most awkward stuff of the way first – I’m actually really insecure and self conscious even though most don’t think I am (writing this is SO hard!)
  2. I don’t know how to relax… I’m working on it though… if anyone has any tips, send me a message!
  3. I’m terrified of failure and am always worried that I’m not good enough (like am I actually going to be able to make any money doing this to help support our family!?)
  4. I love to work with my hands – crafting, cooking, gardening, cleaning, etc.
  5. Water is my happy place – whether it’s a hot shower, a pool, a hottub, a beach, you name it, I’m there.
  6. I love board games – this is by far my favorite past time with my husband.
  7. I love to travel and see new places, there are tons of places in the runnings for next major trip including Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Bahamas.
  8. Most importantly – I LOVE being a wife and a mom, I wouldn’t trade it for anything – all of the things we give up to be spouses and parents are TOTALLY worth it when you see those little angels running around growing into wonderful little humans.

I hope that gives you a little insight into who I am and I hope maybe you’ll stick around! Sometimes knowing a little bit more about a person gives you the chance to relate. So here’s a little blurb about why I chose the name Limited But Livin’ for my blog!

Limited But Livin’ came to me one afternoon in June 2019. I’d been struggling for a long time to find a name for my blog that made sense. I want to write about anything and everything and it was challenging trying to find something that made sense for all of the topics. Everything I could come up with was either already taken or it just sounded outright ridiculous. When the name Limited But Livin’ popped into my head, it was perfect. Food, drink, garden, money, organizing, mom life, homeschooling, travel, you name it, it just made sense. My family might not be able to eat everything due to allergies or we may not have a huge property where I can grow a garden the size I’ve always dreamed of. We may not have the money to buy all the amazing things we can imagine right now or to travel anywhere we want. We may not have the biggest house on the block, but we still make it work and enjoy our everyday lives. We still live a very fulfilling life even with these limitations. I’m sure you can relate in one way or another. I think in a way we’re all Limited But Livin’!