5 Big Ways I’m Here to Help You!

I started a blog because I LOVE to help people. Sharing what I know brings me so much joy, especially my sharing my tips and tricks, with anyone that will listen. I want to help you have a happy life and make the most of it! Here’s 5 things I hope to help you with throughout my blogging journey.

1. Momming Like A Boss (Lifestyle)

Being a mom is the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. I love every single minute of being a mom, even the ones with the food in the hair and the puke down my shirt… I may be a new mom, but anyone who has done this can testify that once you’re a mom, YOU’RE A MOM! My dream is to share some tips and tricks with you that helped me get through my first year and beyond to help make your life easier and more organized as you embark on this journey called motherhood.

2. Preparing Quick and Healthy Meals (Food and Drink)

I don’t know about you all, but I feel like I never have time for anything. Not going to the bathroom, folding laundry, and especially making food… like ever… I don’t know where the time goes, but it just seems to disappear. I’d love to share my tips to help you make healthy food as quickly as possible so you can get back to your busy life and know that you’re still being nice to your body.

3. Growing Healthy Food and Healthy Habits (Garden/Lifestyle)

Not only do I enjoy making and creating food, but I also love growing my own food. I’ve been growing my own food in my garden for many years now and what once started as a small balcony garden with only a few pots has grown into a huge, 11 raised bed, garden plot. I can’t wait to share with you how I got started, made the transition, and how my family reaps the rewards of having our own garden.

4. Getting Creative and Having Fun (DIY/Lifestyle)

One of my favorite past times is being creative. I love using my Cricut, experimenting with craft ideas I find on Pinterest, and even just making something up! When the holiday’s roll around it’s prime time for holiday crafts too! As my daughter grows older we will go through many phases of crafting. I can’t wait to share some of the simple and rewarding, fun crafts that we enjoy.

5. Traveling Like A Pro (Lifestyle)

My husband and I spent many years traveling non-stop. We love seeing new places and enjoying new experiences. We’ve become pros at packing on a whim and preparing for and planning our new adventures. From cruises to visiting new countries to traveling during COVID with an infant, we’ve got you covered. I can’t wait to share my packing and planning secrets with you so you can make the most of your trips!


I hope you found something here that will help you or interests you. I can’t wait to grow a relationship with my readers and support you through life’s journeys! Remember, my goal is to help you! If you think of something you’d like me to write about, please leave it in the comments so I can share my tips and tricks with you! Talk soon!

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